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Mark your calendars for the 2020 AASD/NASTA Annual Education Conference - Convening for Collective Impact
The 2020 AASD/NASTA Annual Conference is designed to assist Health and Human Service leaders and policy makers to shape the future of the SNAP and TANF programs through collaboration and modernization and the exchange of experience and knowledge amongst attendees.
Join your colleagues from across the nation for a series of information-rich presentations and breakout sessions focused on forward-thinking ideas about:
How to advance the impact of the SNAP and TANF programs
The most pressing issues facing SNAP and TANF, and related economic support programs
The role these vital human services programs play in the economic well-being of children, families, and communities
August 23-26 | Hyatt Regency | Milwaukee, WI
The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a bipartisan, nonprofit membership organization representing state and local health and human service agencies through their top-level leadership. Through our member network and three national Collaborative Centers, APHSA seeks to influence modern policies and practices that support the health and well-being of all children and families, and that lead to stronger communities.
APHSA connects its members to national policymakers and human-serving organizations across a full circle of stakeholders in the health and human services sector, as well as critical partners in education, housing, employment, and others. APHSA also helps members build more capacity for their teams through access to our professional education and development conferences, technical expertise, publications, and our Organizational Effectiveness practice.
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